Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sol Vista, Colorado!

My in-laws were gracious enough to take us to Colorado this year to enjoy some snow skiing. We left on December 26th and returned home on December 30th. It has been about 6 years since we had been. I, of course, did not ski. I was ok with that because I was 35 weeks pregnant AND for Christmas, just a few days before, had gotten a nice new DSLR Canon Camera from my in-laws! This was my big item on my Christmas list! I'm going to need it to shoot some good pictures of this upcoming baby boy! So, never the less, I was excited to go to Colorado because I was going to be learning how to use my new camera and taking scenic pictures! I was a little nervous about having to sit on the plane for those few hours and being so far along. But I read up on a few things before leaving and was just fine. Travel day was HARD but well worth it. (Luckily baby Easton stayed where it was nice and warm)
Here are just a few of the scenic pictures I took:

Along with Kevin, me, and his mom and dad, was also Kevin's brother Jeff, his wife April, and their 2 kids Jake-7 and Caroline-3. The kids had a blast learning to ski for the first time!

These were a few of the pictures I could get Kevin to smile and take with me. Well almost smile.

On the lifts: (and yes that is my goofy husband showing off his guns!) haha!

On the way back down the mountain is the best time to take pictures because the scenery is just amazing! These are a few of the ones I snapped. They are a little fuzzy because we were moving and there were smudges on the car window.

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