Sunday, January 15, 2012

Girls Swap Party 2011

Well I cant believe its that time of year again. Our girls Christmas swap party was actually in 2012 (1/2/2012) but it was for Christmas 2011. It was held at Allison's house this year and we were all suppose to bring yard signs for our annual dirty Santa game.

The Before:

As usual our dirty Santa game got pretty dirty. Poor Nikki ALWAYS seems to be on the wrong end of it. Her gifts are always stolen from her and she never leaves with the first thing she chose. (Maybe next year you will draw a high number Nik.)

Our group picture with all of our signs! Someone, at least one, always seems to be pregnant at our girls swap party. This year it was me and Allison. Its tradition to take your picture in front of the Christmas tree together. (Me at 35 weeks and Allison at 19 weeks) Wonder who it will be next year? ;)

The ADORABLE sign that I walked away with! Cute huh? Cant wait to put it out next year.

I cant believe I have known some of these girls for 15 years!! That's crazy! I absolutely love getting to spend time with them and enjoy the crazy wonderful times we have! Love you girls to pieces!

1 comment:

  1. 15 years hit me like a ton of bricks! I have never thought of it like that. I was 14 when I met y'all so it's been about 13 years for me!

    Loving the updates!
